College of Tahfezul Qur'an

"The best amongst you is the one who learns the Qur'an and teaches it." — Bukhari 5027

College of tahfezul Quran under Darul Hasanath truly attempts to bring out a generation of learners who have excelled in Quranic science of recitation and keep an active memory of the entire verses of the holy text. Tutors have exert the best of their efforts to ensure that each learner mends the variation at his best and does everything to keep their memory well.

How to apply

Get enrolled in simple steps!


Create an account

Just register with your email and password


Fill the form

Take your time to give the applicant's info


Print the hall ticket

Get verified your data and get the hall ticket


Attend the interview

Choose your time and say good bye to queue

Registration is closed

Already applied? Check status

Enter the form number and DOB of the applicant to see the status.

What we offer

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